Saturday, July 28, 2007

A Weekend to Remember

Steve and I have many stories to share, but the most important one is the salvation of our marriage.

We have been through some quite difficult circumstances in our 17 years of marriage. Some of which almost ended our marriage. About 4 years ago we attended our first weekend to remember conference. If you have never heard of this before go to the family life homepage to read more about it at

This conference is not only for those who have troubled marriages. We’ve seen people go and benefit from this conference who have been married for more than 50 years! We like to think of is as *servicing* our marriage.

When you buy a new car, you change the oil every 3,000 miles. You rotate the tires and flush the radiator. You don’t do this because you enjoy spending the money….. You do it to make your car last longer and run better!

I use the same comparison for our marriage. We go to this conferences as a check up or do an annual *oil change* for our relationship!

If you ARE on the other side of the spectrum, and your marriage is headed for divorce, what do you have to loose? Money???? You will loose a lot of money getting a divorce too! We would highly encourage you to attend just one meeting in your area. Let the lord take control of your lives and take a deep look at things that you can change to make it better.

Some choose not to attend, because they don’t want anyone else “knowing their business.” Guess what…. They won’t! There may be hundred of other couples there, but they don’t break down into small groups and air everyone’s laundry. You go as One couple, you study as one couple and you relate as one couple. You may make some new acquaintances, but that is strictly up to you.

There are some big surprises waiting for you if you do attend. Not only will your relationship grow, but you will too. Not just with your spouse, but with GOD, and with your personal growth. Now how can you beat that? If you don’t do anything else to save your marriage, please I beg you, do this……

If you want to save a little money, you can register for a conference through Steve and I using our code. If you register with this code, you must register on the phone or through the mail at least 18 days before the conference start. Our code # is 10464. This will save you a total of $89.00

Please feel free to email me if you have questions or if you would like to share your stories with me!

Serving God with gladness in my heart,

1 comment:

Maxine said...

Hello, Lori,
Thank you for your visit to my Scraps blog today. I love meeting new people! Please come again so we can get to know each other. Thanks for sharing here about the weekend to remember conference. I think I've heard of it but don't know where. Thank the Lord for what He's done in your marriage. I read your profile and see that you have a fourteen year old daughter. So do I! If she has a blog let me know so I can tell my daughter about it. Also, my married daughter, who is 27, has an online ministry she just started, which is directed towards teen girls. If you'd like to check in out, the blog is
Talk to you soon and God bless!